Consolidated Fund Act 1816

XXIIIAnnual Account to be laid before Parliament by the Vice Treasurer.

And be it further enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, the Vice Treasurer for Ireland for the Time being shall annually cause an Account to be prepared and made out for One Year, ending on the Fifth Day of January in each Year, (hewing the Amount of all Warrants which have palled through his Office in the Course of such Year, distinguishing the same tinder the several Heads set forth in the Accounts of Public Expenditure, required by Law to be annually laid before Parliament; and that the said Vice Treasurer shall cause such Accounts to be laid before both Houses of Parliament on or before the Twenty-fifth Day of March in each Year, if Parliament shall be then fitting, or if Parliament shall not be then fitting, within Fourteen Days after the next Sitting of Parliament. XXIV.