Explanatory Notes

Finance Act 2014

2014 CHAPTER 26

17 July 2014


Section 72: Substantial Shareholder Exemption: Oil and Gas


1.This section amends Schedule 7AC of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 (TCGA) to extend the scope of the substantial shareholding exemption. A company disposing of a substantial shareholding in a subsidiary will be treated as having owned that shareholding for twelve months prior to disposal (a condition of the exemption), where the subsidiary is using assets for oil and gas exploration and appraisal activity that have been transferred from other group companies.

Details of the Section

2.The section inserts new subparagraph (2A) into paragraph 15A Schedule 7AC of the TCGA 1992 and provides that the amendments will take effect for disposals made on or after 1 April 2014.

3.New subparagraph (2A) amends the definition of “trade” at subparagraphs (2)(b) and (2)(d) of paragraph 15A to include oil and gas exploration and appraisal. “Oil and gas exploration and appraisal” is defined at section 1134 Corporation Tax Act 2010.

Background Note

4.The substantial shareholding exemption provides that where a company disposes of shares or an interest in shares that it holds in a second company, the gain is not a chargeable gain, and a loss is not allowable, if certain conditions are met. Those conditions include the substantial shareholding requirement, as set out in paragraph 7 of the Schedule. This requires that, in the period starting two years before the disposal, there is a continuous period of 12 months when the shareholding company holds a “substantial shareholding” in the company whose shares it then disposes of.

5.At paragraph 15A of the Schedule, the rules also provide that as long as the shareholding company holds a substantial shareholding immediately before the disposal, in certain circumstances the company does not need to have held it for a 12 month period within the previous two years. The circumstances concerned are where there has been an earlier transfer of assets used in a trade between members of the same group.

6.If, at the time of the disposal, the company whose shares are being disposed of is using an asset which was transferred to it from another company within the same group of companies, and both companies were using the asset for the purposes of their trades, the period during which the shareholding company is treated as having a substantial shareholding is extended to include the earlier period when the asset was used by the other company in the capital gains group for the purposes of its trade. This can enable the shareholding company to meet the 12 month requirement at paragraph 7 of the Schedule, even where the disposal is of shares in a company that is newly incorporated, provided that all other requirements for the exemption are met.

7.The substantial shareholding exemption allows companies flexibility in restructuring their business by removing potential tax barriers to that flexibility. This amendment will ensure that the structure of the oil and gas fiscal regime does not prevent E&A companies from benefiting from the amendments made to SSE in Finance Act 2011. It will remove a barrier to the transfer of companies from a group undertaking E&A activity in the oil and gas sector to another group in that sector.