Crossrail Act 2008 Explanatory Notes

Crossrail Act 2008

2008 CHAPTER 18

Commentary on Sections and Schedules

Miscellaneous and general

Section 43: Disposal of Crown land

116.Section 43 provides for additional flexibility as to the terms of agreements about land acquisition and use to be entered into with each of the Royal Parks Agency and the Crown Estate Commissioners. Each body has responsibilities for the management of land vesting in the Crown, and the functions of each are governed by statute.

117.Section 43(1) and (2) would allow the Secretary of State (the legal personality of the Royal Parks Agency) to grant leases and rights of way over the Royal Parks without statutory constraint as to their duration or financial terms.

118.Section 43(3) similarly gives greater flexibility to the Crown Estate Commissioners in their dealings with land by disapplying relevant statutory constraints.

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