Explanatory Notes

Companies Act 2006

2006 CHAPTER 46

8 November 2006


Section 369: Liability of directors in case of unauthorised donation or expenditure

622.This section imposes civil liability on directors where unauthorised donations are made or unauthorised political expenditure is incurred. The liabilities are owed to the company and may be pursued in the normal manner by the company; that is they may be pursued by the directors in the exercise of the management powers conferred by the articles of association. The directors will be subject to the general duties set out in Chapter 2 of Part 10 in the conduct of the company's business. In addition, section 370 provides for enforcement by shareholder action.

623.The section largely reproduces the effect of section 347F of the 1985 Act, but:

624.The conditions under which directors may be exempted from liability (currently set out in section 347H of the 1985 Act) are not reproduced in the new regime.