Transport Act 2000 Explanatory Notes

  • Nodiadau Esboniadol Tabl o’r Cynnwys
  1. Introduction

  2. Summary

    1. Air Traffic Services

    2. Local Transport

    3. Road User Charging and Workplace Parking Levy

    4. Railways

  3. Background

  4. The Act

  5. Commentary on Sections

    1. Part I: Air Traffic

      1. Chapter I: Air Traffic Services

        1. Sections 1 and 2: General Duties

        2. Section 3: Restrictions on providing services

        3. Section 4: Exemptions

        4. Sections 5 to 7: Licences

        5. Section 8: Duties of licence holders

        6. Sections 11 to 19: Modification of licences

        7. Sections 20 to 25: Enforcement

        8. Sections 26 to 33 and Schedules 1, 2 and 3: Administration orders etc

        9. Sections 34 and 35: Investigations and register

        10. Sections 36 and 37 and Schedules 4 and 5: Land and statutory undertakers

        11. Section 38: Directions in interests of national security etc

        12. Section 39: Directions relating to the environment

      2. Chapter Ii: Transfer Schemes

        1. Sections 41 and 42: Introduction

        2. Sections 43 and 44: CAA’s schemes

        3. Sections 45 and 46: Secretary of State’s schemes

        4. Sections 47 and 48: Accounting provisions

        5. Sections 49 to 51: Ownership of transferee companies

        6. Sections 52 to 56: Transferee companies: other provisions

        7. Sections 57 to 59: Extinguishment of liabilities

        8. Sections 60 to 64: Miscellaneous

      3. Chapter Iii: Air Navigation

        1. Sections 66 to 72: Air navigation directions

      4. Chapter IV: Charges for Air  Services

        1. Sections 73 to 80: Charges

        2. Sections 81 to 84: Miscellaneous

      5. Chapter V: Competition

        1. Sections 85 to 89: Competition

      6. Chapter VI: Miscellaneous and General

        1. Sections 90 to 97: Miscellaneous

        2.  Section 98 and 99: General interpretation.

        3. Sections 100 to 107: Other general provisions

    2. Part II: Local Transport

      1. Sections 108 to 113: Local Transport Plans and Bus Strategies

      2. Sections 114 to 123: Bus Services: Quality Partnership schemes

      3. Sections 124 to 134: Bus Services: Quality Contracts schemes

      4. Sections 135 to 138: Bus Services: Ticketing Schemes

      5. Sections 139 to 141: Bus Services: Provision of information

      6. Section 142 and 143: Bus Services: Miscellaneous

      7. Section 144: Bus lane contraventions: penalties

      8. Sections 145 to 150: Mandatory Travel Concessions outside Greater London

      9. Section 151: Mandatory Travel Concessions in Greater London

      10. Sections 152(4) and 153 and Schedule 10: Competition provisions

      11. Sections 152(2) and (3) and 154 to 158: Financial provisions

      12. Section 160 to 162 and Schedule 11: Supplementary

    3. Part Iii: Road User Charging and Workplace Parking Levy

      1. Chapter I: Road User Charging

        1. Sections 163 to 167: Charging schemes

        2. Sections 168 to 170: Making of charging schemes

        3. Sections 171 to 172: Contents of charging schemes

        4. Sections 173 to 175: Enforcement of charging schemes

        5. Sections 176 to 177: Supplementary

      2. Chapter II: Workplace Parking Levy

        1. Sections 178 to 182

        2. Sections 183 to 185: Making of licensing schemes

        3. Sections 186 to 188: Contents of licensing schemes and licences

        4. Sections 189 and 190: Enforcement of licensing schemes

      3. Chapter III: General and Supplementary

        1. Schedule 12

        2. Schedule 13

    4. Part IV: Railways

      1. Chapter I: the Strategic Rail Authority

        1. Sections 201 to 204 and Schedule 14: The Strategic Rail Authority

        2. Sections 205 to 210: Purposes, Strategies and Exercise of Functions

        3. Sections 211 to 222. Securing the provision of railway services and assets etc

        4. Sections 215 to 218: Functions of Franchising Director, Regulator and Board

        5. Section 219 to 222: Other Powers

      2. Chapter Ii: Other Provisions about Railways

        1. Sections 223: Directions to provide railway facilities

        2. Section 224: Objectives of the Regulators and the Secretary of State

        3. Sections 225 and 226: Enforcement Regime

        4. Sections 227 to 229: Consultative Committees

        5. Sections 230 to 233: Access agreements

        6. Sections 234 to 239: Closures

        7. Sections 240 and 241: The British Railways Board

        8. Sections 242 and 243: Competition

        9. Sections 244 and 245: Pensions

        10. Section 246 to 251: Miscellaneous

        11. Sections 252 to 254: Supplementary

    5. Part V: Miscellaneous and Supplementary Provisions

      1. Sections 257 to 260 and Schedule 29: Driver training and driving instruction

      2. Section 261 to 263: Licensing of operators of goods vehicles

      3. Section 264: Type approvals: exemptions

      4. Section 265: Vehicles subject to regulation as private hire vehicles

      5. Section 266: Drivers' hours.

      6. Section 267: London service permit appeals

      7. Sections 268 to 269: Quiet lanes and home zones and rural road speed limits

      8. Section 270: School crossing patrols

      9. Section 271: Stands etc for bicycles or motor cycles

      10. Section  272: Financial assistance: inland waterway and sea freight

      11. Sections 273 to 280: Supplementary

  6. Commencement

  7. Passage through Parliament

  • Nodiadau Esboniadol Tabl o’r Cynnwys

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