Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000 Explanatory Notes


Section 8: Designated members

In general, the role of designated members is to perform the administrative and filing duties of the LLP. However, some provisions of the Companies Act 1985 and the Insolvency Act 1986, as intended to be applied by regulations under the Act, will place on them tasks which go beyond the mere administrative and in the performance of which they would be representing all the members of the LLP, for example, the signing of the LLP’s accounts.

Subsection (1) provides that, where the incorporation document specifies that certain members are to be the designated members, then they will be the designated members on incorporation. Other members may become designated members by agreement with the members. A member may cease to be a designated member by agreement with the other members.

Subsection (2) requires there to be at least two designated members and provides that if no members or only one are designated then all members are designated members.

Subsection (3) provides that if the incorporation document states that every person who is a member of the LLP is a designated member then all persons who are from time to time members are designated members.

Subsection (4)permits the LLP to notify the registrar that all members of the LLP are designated members or that specified members will be designated. Where the LLP notifies the registrar the effect will be as though it had been stated in the incorporation document.

Subsection (6) explains that when a person ceases to be member of the LLP he will also cease to be a designated member.

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