Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Explanatory Notes

Section 51: Procedure

173.This section makes provision for the procedure and practice to be followed in connection with routine bail hearings. It provides that any rules made by the Lord Chancellor will be under the general rule-making power contained within section 144 of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980. The rules must require the Secretary of State to notify the detained person and also, if he is aware of the fact, the person who is to represent the detained person at the hearing, that a reference under section 44 has been made. Subsection (3) restricts repetition of the same arguments by detainees at subsequent bail hearings. The section also requires magistrates holding routine bail hearings to sit in open court and provides for the conduct of proceedings at routine bail hearings by persons other than barristers (or, in Scotland, advocates) or solicitors.

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