

SCHEDULE 6Minor and Consequential Amendments of Enactments

PART IIAmendments of Other Enactments

The [1889 c. 72.] Infectious Disease (Notification) Act 1889

37In section 3(1) (notification of infectious disease), for the words "medical officer of health" (wherever they occur) there shall be substituted the words " chief administrative medical officer of the Health Board ".

38In section 6 (definition of infectious disease), for the words " local authority for the district" there shall be substituted the words " Secretary of State ".

39In section 8(2) (notices and certificates), for the words " a medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " the chief administrative medical officer of a Health Board ", for the words " his office or residence " there shall be substituted the words " the office of the Health Board " and for the words " his office or at his residence " there shall be substituted the words " that office ".

40In section 13(2) (application of Act to ships, etc.), for the words from " district of any " onwards there shall be substituted the words " area of any Health Board shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be within the area of the Board nearest which it is lying ".

The [1892 c. 55.] Burgh Police (Scotland) Act 1892

41In section 126 (manure offensive to health), for the words "medical officer of health" there shall be substituted the words " sanitary inspector ".

42In section 255 (defective privies), for the words "medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

The [1897 c. 38.] Public Health (Scotland) Act 1897

43In section 18 (power of entry), for the words " medical officer ", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ", and for the words "their officers", where first occurring, and the words " their officers or other persons " there shall be substituted the words " others aforesaid ".

44In section 36(1) (nuisance), for the words " their medical officer " there shall be substituted the words " the designated medical officer or their sanitary inspector ".

45For the purposes of sections 46 to 51, 53 to 57, 59, 62 to 64, 66, 69 (so far as relating to infectious diseases), 70, 96 and 97, the term " local authority " means a county council or the town council of a large burgh within the meaning of the [1947 c. 43.] Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947.

46In section 47(1) (cleansing and disinfecting of premises), for the words "medical officer or any other legally qualified medical practitioner" and for the words "medical officer or of any other legally qualified medical practitioner" there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

47In section 49 (launderers to supply names), for the words "medical officer of health" there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

48In section 51 (infected lodgings not to be let), for the words " medical officer " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

49In section 53(1)(a) (disinfection of houses), for the words " medical officer " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

50In section 54(1) (hospitalisation of infected persons), for the words from " medical officer " to " to be removed " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

51In section 56(1)(c) (exposure of infected persons), for the words " medical officer " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

52In section 57 (penalty for sending infected child to school), for the words "medical officer" there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

53In section 62(1) (dead bodies not to be retained), for the words "medical officer" there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

54In section 63(1) (infected bodies to be removed only for burial), for the words " medical officer " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

55In section 69 (power to order removal of body to mortuary), in subsections (1) and (3), for the words " medical officer ", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

56In section 73(3) (entry to tents, etc.), for the words " medical officer", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ", and after the words " local authority " there shall be inserted the words " or the designated medical officer ".

57In section 96 (removal of sick to hospitals), for the words from "without further warrant" to "so certified" there shall be substituted the words " on the certificate of the designated medical officer that the disease is infectious and that the patient may be safely removed, cause him to be removed to a hospital vested in the Secretary of State, but if removal be considered dangerous to life by such officer and is so certified, ".

58In section 97 (sick persons in common lodging-houses), for the words "medical officer", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

59In section 98 (inspection of common lodging-houses), after the Word " authority" there shall be inserted the words " or by the designated medical officer ".

The [1907 c. 40.] Notification of Births Act 1907

60In section 1 (early notification of births), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (1), for the words " medical officer of health of the district" there shall be substituted the words " chief administrative medical officer of the Health Board for the area ";

(b)in subsection (2), for the words " medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " chief administrative medical officer of the Health Board ", and for the words "the medical", where second occurring, there shall be substituted the word " that ";

(c)in subsection (4), for the words " medical officer of health "there shall be substituted the words " chief administrative medical officer of the Health Board ".

The [1914 c. 46.] Milk and Dairies (Scotland) Act 1914

61In section 4(3) (inspection of dairies), for the words "medical officer of health ", where second occurring, there shall be substituted the words " sanitary inspector ".

62In section 6 (intimation of inspection of dairies), for the words " medical officer of health ", where first occurring, there shall be substituted the words " sanitary inspector ".

63In section 15 (notification of sick employees), for the words " medical officer of health for the district " there shall be substituted the words " chief administrative medical officer of the Health Board for the area. "

64For section 16 (dairies and infectious disease), there shall be substituted the following section—

16Notification of districts to which milk is consigned.

Where infectious disease occurs among the persons employed, or in the families of persons employed, or among the persons residing at a dairy from which milk is consigned, the dairyman may be required to furnish the designated medical officer with a list of the districts to which the milk is consigned.

65In section 17(1) (persons with disease not to assist in dairy), for the words " the medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " a medical officer duly authorised by the Health Board or any officer duly authorised by the local authority ".

66In section 18 (procedure for stoppage of milk supplies), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsections (1) and (3), for the words " medical officer of health " and " medical officer ", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer or sanitary inspector ";

(b)in subsection (6), for the words " their medical officer " and "medical officer" there shall be substituted the words " the designated medical officer or sanitary inspector ".

67In section 19 (dairymen to produce lists of customers), for the words " medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer or sanitary inspector ", and after the words " such medical officer " there shall be inserted the words " or sanitary inspector ".

68In section 20 (power to inspect dairies), for the words " medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer or sanitary inspector ".

69In section 21 (sampling of milk), for the words "medical officer of health ", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

The [1916 c. 12.] Local Government (Emergency Provisions) Act 1916

70In section 5(b) (notification of disease), for the words " medical officer of health of the district" there shall be substituted the words " chief administrative medical officer of the Health Board for the area " and for the words " local authority " there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

The [1938 c. 73.] Nursing Homes Registration (Scotland) Act 1938

71In section 1 (registration), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (2), for the words " local authority" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ", and for the words " a fee of £1 " there shall be substituted the words " such fee as may be so prescribed ";

(b)in subsection (3), for the words " local authority" and " authority" there shall be substituted respectively the words " Health Board " and " Board ".

72In sections 2 and 3 (cancellation of registration and notification thereof), for the words " local authority " and " authority ", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted respectively the words " Health Board " and " Board ".

73At the end of section 4(1) (regulations), there shall be added the following words— and

(d)with respect to such matters as appear to be expedient in order to secure continuity between the system of registration by local authorities and the system of registration by Health Boards..

74In section 5(1) (inspection of nursing homes), for the words from the beginning to " made by the authority " there shall be substituted the words " Any medical officer, qualified nurse or other officer of the Health Board duly authorised by the Board ".

75In section 6 (power to exempt certain institutions), for the words " local authority " and " authority", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted respectively the words " Health Board " and " Board ".

The [1945 c. 15.] Public Health (Scotland) Act 1945

76In section 1 (enforcement of regulations) the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (3), after the words " port local authorities " there shall be inserted the words " or Health Boards ", and, in the proviso, after the word " authority " there shall be inserted the word " Board ";

(b)in subsection (4), after the word " authority " there shall be inserted the word " Board ";

(c)in subsection (8), in the definition of " authorised officer ", for the words " medical officer of health" there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

The [1947 c. 19.] Polish Resettlement Act 1941

77In section 4(1) (health services for Poles), for the words " local health authorities ", where first occurring, there shall be substituted the words " Health Boards ".

78In section 11(3)(b) (application to Scotland), for the words " any corresponding Act applying to Scotland " there shall be substituted the words " the National Health Service (Scotland) Acts 1947 to 1972 ".

The [1947 c. 42.] Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland) Act 1947

79In section 1(1)(d) (compulsory purchase of land by Secretary of State), for the words from " 57 " to " 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " 58 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

The [1947 c. 43.] Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947

80For section 79(7) (medical officer and sanitary inspector), there shall be substituted the following subsection—

(7)The sanitary inspector of a county shall not be removable from office except by or with the sanction of the Secretary of State.

81For section 87(8) (burgh medical officers and sanitary inspectors), there shall be substituted the following subsection—

(8)The sanitary inspector of a burgh shall not be removable from office except by or with the sanction of the Secretary of State.

The [1948 c. 29.] National Assistance Act 1948

82In section 24(6) (ordinary residence of patient), for the words " Part II of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " in a hospital vested in the Secretary of State ".

83In section 47 (removal of persons in need of care), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsections (2) and (7), for the words " medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ";

(b)in subsection (8), for the words " Act 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " Acts 1947 to 1972 ".

The [1951 c. 54.] Midwives (Scotland) Act 1951

84In section 17 (local supervising authorities), for the words from " local health " to " 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ", and for the words " the authority " there shall be substituted the words " the Health Board ".

85In section 28(2) (apportionment of balances), for the words from " proportion " to " time being " there shall be substituted the words " such proportion as the Secretary of State may approve ".

The [1951 c. 55.] Nurses (Scotland) Act 1951 General amendments

86For the words " regional nurse-training committee", " a regional nurse-training committee" and " regional nurse-training committees ", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted respectively the words " area nurse-training committee " , " an area nurse-training committee " and " area nurse-training committees "

Particular amendments

87In section 19(4) (definition of " area"), for the words " a hospital area " there shall be substituted the words " the area of a Health Board ", and for the words " two or more hospital areas " there shall be substituted the words " the areas of two or more Health Boards ".

88In section 20 (schemes for training of nurses), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (1), for the words " Board of Management acting on behalf of a Regional Hospital Board" and for the words " Board of Management" there shall be substituted respectively the words " Health Board " and "Health Boards";

(b)in subsections (2) and (3), for the words " Regional Hospital Board ", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

89In section 22 (expenditure on training of nurses), for the words " Board of Management", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ", and, in subsection (1), for the words " section 54 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947" there shall be substituted the words " section 60 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

90In section 32 (supplemental), for the definition of " licensing authority " there shall be substituted the following definition—

91In Schedule 4 (nurse-training committees), for the words " Regional Hospital Board" and " Regional Hospital Boards", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted respectively the words " Health Board " and " Health Boards ".

92In paragraphs 1(a) and 4(1) of Schedule 4, for the words " more than one hospital area " there shall be substituted the words " the area of more than one Health Board ".

The [1951 c. 63.] Rag Flock and Other Filling Materials Act 1951

93In section 35 (interpretation), in the definition of " authorised officer of a local authority ", for the words " medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

The [1951 c. 65.] Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Protection of Civil Interests) Act 1951

94In Schedule 2 (relevant service), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in item 15, for the words "the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947" there shall be substituted the words " a Health Board or the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service or other body constituted under the National Health Service (Scotland) Acts 1947 to 1972, and, in the second column, after the word " Council" there shall be inserted the word " Agency ";

(b)in item 16, in the second column, after the word " Council " there shall be inserted the words " or Health Board ".

The [1956 c. 30.] Food and Drugs (Scotland) Act 1956

95In section 22 (notification of food poisoning), for the words "local health authority", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ", and, in subsection (1), for the words " medical officer for that area" there shall be substituted the words " chief administrative medical officer of the Board ".

96In section 24 (suspected food), for the words " medical officer of any local authority " and the words " medical officer ", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer or sanitary inspector ", and, in subsection (3), for the words " local authority ", in both places where they occur, there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

97In section 58(1) (interpretation), in the proviso to the definition of " authorised officer ", for the words " medical officer " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

The [1956 c. 76.] Medical Act 1956

98In section 16 (employment in health centres), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (1), for the words " section 15 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947" there shall be substituted the words " section 2 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ";

(b)in subsection (2)(b), for the words from " such out-patient" to " 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " the services of specialists or other services provided for out-patients in such a health centre as is referred to in subsection (1) above ".

The [1957 c. 28.] Dentists Act 1957

99In section 42(4) (national and local authority health services), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in paragraph (a), after " 1948 " there shall be inserted the words " or of services under section 2 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ";

(b)in paragraph (b), for the words " section 15 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947" there shall be substituted the words " section 2 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ";

(c)in paragraph (c), for the words " section 22 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947" there shall be substituted the words " section 5 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ";

(d)in paragraph (d), for the words from " section 51 " to " 1956" there shall be substituted the words " section 6 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

The [1958 c. 32.] Opticians Act 1958

100In section 21(2)(b) (restriction on sale or supply of optical appliances), after the word " 1947 " there shall be inserted the words " the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

The [1959 c. 30.] National Assistance (Amendment) Act 1959

101In section 1(1) (determination of ordinary residence), for the words " Part II of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " in a hospital vested in the Secretary of State ".

The [1959 c. 72.] Mental Health Act 1959

102In section 81(2)(a) (removal of patients to Scotland), for the words " board of management" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board responsible for the administration of the hospital ".

The [1960 c. 16.] Road Traffic Act 1960

103In section 214(1)(c) (payment for treatment), for the words irom "any" onwards there shall be substituted the words " the Health Board responsible for the administration of the hospital ".

The [1960 c. 34.] Radioactive Substances Act 1960

104In section 14(1) (application to Crown), for the words " Board of Management", in both places where they occur, there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

The [1960 c. 61.] Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1960

105In section 7(1A) (functions of local authorities), for the words " the aforesaid persons" there shall be substituted the words " persons who are or have been suffering from mental disorder ".

106In section 15(3)(a) (registration of private hospitals), for the words from " provided " to " 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " vested in the Secretary of State ".

107In section 27 (medical recommendations), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in paragraph (b), for the words " Regional Hospital Board " there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ";

(b)in paragraph (c), for the words "section 5 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1947" there shall be substituted the words " section 1 or 2 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968 ".

108In section 30(2) (rectification of application etc.), for the words " medical officer of the local authority " there shall be substituted 'the words " designated medical officer ".

109In the proviso to section 34(2) (correspondence of patients), after the words " any of the following—" there shall be inserted the following item—

(i)the European Commission of Human Rights ;.

110In section 53(1)(5) (interpretation), for the words from "the medical" to " that authority " there shall be substituted the words " any medical practitioner authorised by the local authority ".

111In section 57(1) (medical evidence), for the words "Regional Hospital Board" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

112In section 60(2) (restriction of discharge), for the words " Regional Hospital Board" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

113In section 65(4) (removal to hospital of prisoners awaiting trial), for the words " Regional Hospital Board" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

114In section 92(2) (limitation on valuables held on behalf of a patient), for the words " an amount of one hundred pounds " there shall be substituted the words " such sum as the Secretary of State may from time to time direct ".

115In section 91(1)(b) (protection of female patients), for the words from " or in pursuance " onwards there shall be substituted the words " or in the care of a local authority under the [1968 c. 49.] Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 or resident in a house provided by a local authority under that Act ".

116In section 101(2) (pocket money for patients), for the words "Act 1947" there shall be substituted the words " Acts 1947 to 1972 ", and for the words from "hospital" to "that Act" there shall be substituted the words " services are provided under those Acts ".

117In section 111(1) (interpretation), in paragraph (a) of the definition of " board of management", for the words " board of management" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board responsible for the administration ", and at the end of that definition there shall be added the words " or if the management has been delegated to a Health Board or to the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service, that Board or Agency, as the case may be ".

The [1960 c. 67.] Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960

118In paragraph 2 of the Schedule (bodies to which Act applies), for sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) there shall be substituted the following paragraph—

(d)Health Boards constituted under the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972, but only so far as regards the exercise of their executive functions.

The [1961 c. 34.] Factories Act 1961

119In section 8(6) (enforcement by district council), for the words " medical officer of health" there shall be substituted the words " sanitary inspector ".

120In section 9(2) (powers of inspectors), for the words " of health " there shall be substituted the words " of the Health Board for the area ".

121In section 153 (officers of councils), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (1), for the words " medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " sanitary inspector ";

(b)in subsection (3), after the words " this Act", where first occurring, there shall be inserted the words " the designated medical officer " , and after the words " except by " there shall be inserted the words "the designated medical officer or .

122In Schedule 5, in section 110(2) and (3) (provisions of Act of 1901), for the words "medical officer of health", in both places where they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

The [1962 c. 47.] Education (Scotland) Act 1962

123In section 57 (regulations as to medical and dental examination and inspection), for the words from " this Act" onwards there shall be substituted the words " the performance of his duties under section 6 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

124In section 58(2) (medical inspection of pupils and young persons), for the words " their duty under this section " there shall be substituted the words " the duty of the Secretary of State under section 6 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ", and for the words " by the authority" there shall be substituted the words " by the Health Board in agreement with the authority ".

125In section 58A(2) (dental inspection of pupils and young persons), for the words " their duty under this section " there shall be substituted the words " the duty of the Secretary of State under section 6 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ", and for the words " by the authority " there shall be substituted the words " by the Health Board in agreement with the authority ".

126In section 61 (power to ensure cleanliness), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (1), for the words " the authority " there shall be substituted the words " the Health Board for the area ";

(b)in subsection (2), for the words from " the medical officer " to " their behalf " there shall be substituted the words " the authority ";

(c)in subsection (6), for the words " he may, if he considers " there shall be substituted the words " he shall so advise the authority, who may, if they consider ";

(d)in subsection (7), for the words " an education authority " there shall be substituted the words " a Health Board ".

127In section 101(d) (admissibility of documents), for the words " an education authority" onwards there shall be substituted the words " a Health Board, and to be signed by such officer ".

The [1964 c. 60.] Emergency Laws (Re-enactments and Repeals) Act 1964

128In section 15 (interpretation), for the words " 1947 to 1961 " there shall be substituted the words " 1947 to 1972 ".

The [1965 c. 49.] Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965

129In section 51(b) (returns), for the words " medical officer of health for the local authority " there shall be substituted the words " chief administrative medical officer of the Health Board ".

The [1965 c. 62.] Redundancy Payments Act 1965

130In Schedule 3 (National Health Service Employers), for paragraph 1 there shall be substituted the following paragraph—

1A Health Board or the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service,

and, in paragraph 7, for the words " section 32(4) of the said Act of 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " section 13(8) of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

The [1966 c. 20.] Ministry of Social Security Act 1966

131In section 6(1)(b) (medical requirements etc), for the words " 1947 to 1966" there shall be substituted the words " 1947 to 1972 ".

The [1966 c. 49.] Housing (Scotland) Act 1966

132In sections 98(1), 180, 184 and 185(1)(5), for the words " medical officer of health", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " sanitary inspector ".

The [1967 c. 13.] Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967

133In paragraph 8 of Schedule 3 (matters not subject to investigation), for the words " Regional Hospital Board " there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ", and for the words " Board of Management" there shall be substituted the words " the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service ".

The [1967 c. 28.] Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1967

134In section 7(5) (superannuation provisions of National Health Service Acts), for the words " Act 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " Acts 1947 to 1972 ".

The [1968 c. 46.] Health Services and Public Health Act 1968

135In section 63 (provision of instruction for employees), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (1)(a), for the words from " Regional" to " teaching hospital" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ";

(b)in subsection (1)(b). for the words from " specified" to " Treasury " there shall be substituted the words " deter-mined by him ";

(c)in subsection (2)(tf), for the words " an Executive Council" there shall be substituted the words " a Health Board ";

(d)in subsection (8), in paragraph (b) of the definition of " the relevant enactments ", for the words " sections 58 and 59 of the Education (Scotland) Act 1962" there shall be substituted the words " section 6 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

136In section 64 (financial assistance to voluntary organisations), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)at the end of subsection (4)(a) there shall be added the words " and the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ";

(b)in subsection (4)(b), for the words " an Executive Council" there shall be substituted the words " a Health Board ".

137In section 65(6) (assistance by local authorities to voluntary organisations), for subsection (2B)(c) there shall be substituted the following paragraph—

(c)" the relevant enactments" means the National Health Service (Scotland) Acts 1947 to 1972, Part III of the National Assistance Act 1948 and section 3 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1958 ;.

138In section 71(1) (compensation for stopping employment), for the words " medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

139In subsections (1) and (2) of section 72 (sheriff may order medical examination), for the words " medical officer of health", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

140In section 73 (power of medical officers to enter premises), for the words " medical officer of health", wherever they occur, there shall be substituted the words " designated medical officer ".

The [1968 c. 49.] Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968

141In section 60(1)(f) (control of certain establishments), at the end there shall be added the words " or the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

The [1968 c. 67.] Medicines Act 1968

142In section 55(2)(b) (exemptions for doctors etc.), for the words " a local health authority in Great Britain " there shall be substituted the words " the Secretary of State ".

143In section 131(5) (meaning of certain expressions), for the words " Act 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " Acts 1947 to 1972 ".

144In section 132(1) (interpretation), in the definition of " health centre ", for the words from "section 15 " to " 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " section 2 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

The [1969 c. 48.] Post Office Act 1969

145In section 86(1) (interpretation), in paragraph (b) of the definition of " national health service authority ", for the words from " a regional " onwards there shall be substituted the words " a Health Board or the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service constituted under the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

The [1970 c. 44.] Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970

146In section 17(1) (separation of younger and older patients), for the words from " Regional ", where second occurring, to " 1947 " there shall be substituted the words " Health Board constituted under the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ".

The [1971 c. 8.] Hospital Endowments (Scotland) Act 1971

147In section 1(4) (Scottish Hospital Trust), in the proviso, for the words from " Boards " onwards there shall be substituted the words " Health Boards ".

148In section 3 (powers of the Trust), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in paragraph (c), for the words from " Boards " to " Boards " there shall be substituted the words " Health Boards ";

(b)for paragraph (e) there shall be substituted the following paragraph—

(e)to accept from any Health Board for investment and management on behalf of the Board any endowments or accumulated income thereof transferred to the Board under Part VI of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972, and any endowments or accumulated income thereof otherwise held by a Health Board ;;

(c)in paragraph (f), for the words "Board of Management" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ";

(d)in paragraph (g), for the words from " Board " to " Board " there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

149In section 5 (further provisions relating to transference of funds), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (1), for the words from the beginning to " Board ", where second occurring, there shall be substituted the words " A Health Board ";

(b)in subsection (2), for the words " such Boards " there shall be substituted the words " Health Boards ".

150In section 6 (borrowing by Boards), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (1), for the words from " Board " to " Board " there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ";

(b)in subsection (2), for the words " such Boards " there shall be substituted the words " Health Boards ".

151In section 7 (distribution of income), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)in subsection (1), for the words "Boards of Management, Regional Hospital Boards " there shall be substituted the words " Health Boards ";

(b)in subsection (2), for the words " Boards of Management, Regional Hospital Boards and the Committees " there shall be substituted the words " Health Boards and the bodies charged with the management ";

(c)in subsection (3), for the words " Boards of Management and Regional Hospital Boards " there shall be substituted the words " Health Boards ".

The [1971 c. 62.] Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1971

152In paragraph 41 of Part II of Schedule 1 (tribunals supervised by Scottish Committee), the following amendments shall be made—

(a)for sub-paragraph (a) there shall be substituted the following paragraph—

(a)Health Boards and joint committees of those Boards constituted under section 13 of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1972 ;;

(b)in sub-paragraph (c), for the words " an Executive Council " and "Act 1947 (c.27)" there shall be substituted respectively the words " a Health Board or a joint committee of Health Boards " and " Acts 1947 to 1972 ".

The [1971 c. 72.] Industrial Relations Act 1971

153In section 167(2) (interpretation), in paragraph (a), after the words " 1946 or " there shall be inserted the words " by a Health Board ", and, in paragraph (b), for the words " Executive Council" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

The [1971 c. 74.] Education (Milk) Act 1971

154In section 2(1)(b) (provision of milk in Scotland), for the words " education authority" there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".

The [1971 c. 77.] Immigration Act 1971

155In section 24(1)(d) (offences), for the words " a medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " the chief administrative medical officer of a Health Board ".

156In paragraph 7 of Schedule 2 (medical examination after entry), for the words " such medical officer of health " there shall be substituted the words " the chief administrative medical officer of such Health Board " and the words " of health " shall be omitted.

The [1972 c. 28.] Employment Medical Advisory Service Act 1972

157In section 1(6) (school medical records), for the words "education authority", where second occurring, there shall be substituted the words " Health Board ".