

SCHEDULE 2Past service scheme: pensions and lump sum payments

PART 1Retirement at or above retiring age


1This Part of this Schedule applies in the case of a member of the past service scheme who—

(a)retired before the commencement of this Schedule (whether or not before 1 January 1998) and on or after reaching the retiring age, or

(b)retires after that commencement on or after reaching that age.

Service of 37 years or more

2(1)This paragraph applies where the member’s qualifying period of pensionable service to which the past service scheme applies is at least 37 years of whole-time service.

(2)If the member has not at any time in that period held the office of archbishop, diocesan bishop, suffragan bishop, dean, provost or archdeacon, the rate of pension is the full basic pension.

(3)If the member has at any time in that period held an office referred to in sub-paragraph (2), the rate of pension is calculated by multiplying the full basic pension by the multiple in the following Table that is applicable to that office—

Bishop of London1.8
Diocesan bishop (other than the Bishop of London)1.5
Suffragan bishop, dean, provost or archdeacon1.25

(4)If the member has held more than one of those offices, the multiple to be used in the calculation under sub-paragraph (3) is the higher or highest applicable to the offices which he or she has held.

(5)The amount of the lump sum payment, where the member becomes entitled to it after the commencement of this Schedule, is three times the full basic pension.

(6)“Full basic pension” means two-thirds of the national minimum stipend for the year preceding that in which payment of the pension begins.

(7)The “national minimum stipend” for a year is the amount which the Archbishops’ Council specifies in its annual report as the amount which it recommends as the national minimum for that year for the stipends of clergy of incumbent status.

(8)The references in this paragraph to the office of dean do not include a reference to the office of dean of the cathedral church of the diocese of Sodor and Man.

Whole-time service of under 37 years

3(1)This paragraph applies where the member’s qualifying period of pensionable service to which the past service scheme applies is less than 37 years of whole-time service.

(2)The rate of the pension for that period of service is calculated as follows.

(3)The first step is to divide by 37 the rate of pension to which the member would be entitled if the qualifying period of pensionable service were 37 years of whole-time service.

(4)The second step is to multiply the number obtained under sub-paragraph (3) by the number of complete years in the period of whole-time service.

(5)The third step, which must be taken if the period of whole-time service includes part of a year, is—

(a)to divide by 12 the number obtained under sub-paragraph (3),

(b)to multiply the number obtained under paragraph (a) by the number of complete months in that part of the year, and

(c)to add the number obtained under paragraph (b) to the number obtained under sub-paragraph (4).

(6)The amount of the lump sum payment is that which bears the same proportion to three times the full basic pension as the pension to which the member is entitled on retirement for the whole-time service bears to that to which the member would have been entitled if he or she had retired on reaching the retiring age with a qualifying period of service of 37 years of whole-time service.

Part-time service after 1 January 1987

4(1)This paragraph applies where the member’s qualifying period of pensionable service to which the past service scheme applies consists of or includes part-time service performed after 1 January 1987.

(2)In a case where the pension for that part-time service became payable before the commencement of this Schedule, the rate of pension continues to be the rate which the Board had determined under paragraph 4 of Schedule 1 to the Church of England Pensions Regulations 1998.

(3)In a case where the pension for that part-time service becomes payable after the commencement of this Schedule, the rate of pension is calculated by multiplying the rate which would have been payable if the service had been whole-time service by such proportion as the Board determines.

(4)When making a determination under sub-paragraph (3), the Board must act in accordance with the general directions of the Church Commissioners.

(5)The amount of the lump sum payment is the amount which bears the same proportion to three times the full basic pension as the pension to which the member is entitled on retirement for the part-time service bears to that to which the member would have been entitled if he or she had retired on reaching the retiring age with a qualifying period of service of 37 years of whole-time service.

(6)The qualifying period of pensionable service in a case where the pension for the part-time service becomes payable after the commencement of this Schedule does not include a year, or part of a year, in which the amount received by the member in respect of stipendiary ecclesiastical service is less than such amount as the Board determines with the agreement of the Church Commissioners.