

Section 36



1The committee is known as the [name of diocese] Diocesan Advisory Committee.

Membership: appointment

2(1)The committee consists of—

(a)a chair,

(b)the archdeacon of each archdeaconry in the diocese, and

(c)at least 12 other members.

(2)The chair is appointed by the bishop of the diocese after consultation with—

(a)the bishop’s council,

(b)the chancellor of the diocese, and

(c)the Church Buildings Council.

(3)The other members are—

(a)two persons appointed by the bishop’s council of the diocese from among the elected members of the diocesan synod,

(b)at least ten other persons appointed by the bishop’s council of the diocese of whom—

(i)one is appointed after consultation with the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England,

(ii)one is appointed after consultation with such associations as the Dean of the Arches and Auditor may from time to time designate as the relevant associations of local authorities in relation to the diocese, and

(iii)one is appointed after consultation with the national amenity societies, and

(c)such other persons as may be co-opted under paragraph 5.

(4)In making an appointment under sub-paragraph (3)(b), the bishop’s council must ensure that the persons so appointed have between them—

(a)knowledge of the history, development and use of church buildings,

(b)knowledge of Church of England liturgy and worship,

(c)knowledge of architecture, archaeology, art and history, and

(d)experience of the care of historic buildings and their contents.

(5)The first appointments of the chair and of other members under sub-paragraph (3)(a) and (b) take place as soon as practicable.

(6)Subsequent new appointments of the chair or of a member under sub-paragraph (3)(a) or (b) must be made within the period of one year following the formation of the second new diocesan synod after the latest appointments.

Membership: term of office

3(1)The term of office of the chair or a member appointed under paragraph 2(3)(a) or (b) begins with the appointment and ends with the making of a new appointment under paragraph 2(6).

(2)A member of the committee who ceases to hold a qualification by virtue of which he or she became a member ceases to be a member on ceasing to hold the qualification.

(3)A member of the committee who ceases to hold office otherwise than by virtue of sub-paragraph (2) is eligible for reappointment.

Membership: casual vacancies

4(1)Where a casual vacancy occurs among the chair and other members appointed under paragraph 2(3)(a) and (b), the bishop must appoint a person to fill the vacancy.

(2)If the person whose place is to be filled was a member of the committee by virtue of being a member of the diocesan synod, the person appointed under sub-paragraph (1) must also be a member of that diocesan synod.

(3)If the person whose place is to be filled was appointed under sub-paragraph (i), (ii) or (iii) of paragraph 2(3)(b), the bishop must, before appointing a person to fill the vacancy, undertake the consultation required under the sub-paragraph concerned.

(4)A person appointed to fill a casual vacancy holds office only for the unexpired portion of the term of office of the person whose place is being filled.

Membership: co-opting

5(1)The committee may, with the consent of the bishop, from time to time co-opt such persons as it thinks fit to be additional members of the committee.

(2)The number of persons appointed under this paragraph must not exceed one-third of the total number of the other members.

(3)A person co-opted ceases to be a member of the committee on the making of new appointments of members under paragraph 2(6).


6The bishop may appoint suitably qualified persons to act as consultants to the committee if the committee requests the bishop to do so.


7The secretary to the committee is appointed by the bishop after consultation with—

(a)the chair, and

(b)the diocesan secretary.