The Insolvency Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996

Production and inspection of records

15.  The liquidator shall produce on demand to the Department, and allow it to inspect, any accounts, books and other records kept by him (including any passed to him by a predecessor in office), and this duty to produce and allow inspection shall extend—

(a)to producing and allowing inspection at the premises of the liquidator; and

(b)to producing and allowing inspection of any financial records of the kind described in regulation 10(2)(b) prepared by the liquidator (or any predecessor in office of his) before 31st January 1997 and kept by the liquidator;

and any such demand may—

(i)require the liquidator to produce any such accounts, books or other records to the Department, and allow it to inspect them—

(A)at the same time as any account is sent to the Department under regulation 14; or

(B)at any time after such account is sent to the Department;

whether or not the Department requires the account to be audited; or

(ii)where it is made for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of these Regulations relating to the handling of money received by the liquidator in the course of carrying out his functions have been or are likely to be complied with, be made at any time, whether or not an account has been sent or should have been sent to the Department under regulation 14 and whether or not the Department has required any account to be audited.

[E.R. 15]