


9.  The competent person shall be in charge of the storage tank for the purpose of the delivery and shall not permit delivery into that tank to commence—

(a)unless the tank has immediately before the delivery been measured with a dipstick or other suitable measuring device and the measurement has shown that the quantity of petrol proposed to be delivered can safely be received by that tank; and


(i)the hose (whether a single length or segmented) through which the petrol will be delivered (“the delivery hose”) is connected to the filling point of that tank, and

(ii)(where the provisions of paragraph 7 apply to the delivery) the vapour balance hose is secured to the vapour balance pipe before the delivery hose is connected as aforesaid;

(c)(in any case where there is a separate dipping opening in the storage tank) until that dipping opening has been securely closed; and

(d)(where siphon pipes link storage tanks at the licensed premises and none of the linked tanks is fitted with a mechanical overfill prevention device) until the tank has been isolated from the other storage tanks by the closure of suitable valves,

and shall not as respects that tank sign his name on the certificate referred to in paragraph 10 until he has complied with the appropriate requirements of sub-paragraphs (a) to (d).

10.  Before delivery into any storage tank is begun, the competent person shall, in the presence of the driver of the road tanker from which the delivery is to be, made, in Part A of each of two copies of a certificate in the form specified in Part IV, in the first column, enter the address of the licensed premises concerned, in the second column, enter the name of the licensee of the premises, in the third column, enter the number, letter or number and letter marked on the tank, in the fourth and fifth columns, enter the quantity and grade respectively of petrol which is to be delivered into the tank, in, the sixth column, enter his signature and in the seventh column, enter the correct date and time.

11.  The driver of a road tanker shall not commence any delivery of petrol into a storage tank until—

(a)he has (after the competent person has completed Part A of each of two copies of a certificate in the form specified in Part IV in accordance with paragraph 10)), in part B of each of the said two copies, in the first column, entered the number, letter or number and letter marked on the tank, in the second column, entered the number of each compartment of any carrying tank from which the petrol is to be delivered and, in the third column, entered his signature;

(b)he has—

(i)properly and securely connected the delivery hose (whether a single length or segmented) to—

(aa)the appropriate outlet on the road tanker, and

(bb)the filling point of the tank, and

(ii)(where the delivery hose is segmented) properly and securely connected each segment one with another;

(c)(where the provisions of paragraph 7 apply to the delivery) he has (before properly and securely connecting the delivery hose and, where appropriate, any segments thereof as aforesaid) properly and securely connected the vapour balance hose—

(i)to the vapour balance pipe, and

(ii)to the appropriate faucet on the road tanker; and

(d)the competent person is keeping watch as required by paragraph 12.

12.  The competent person shall, during the whole time of a delivery of petrol into a storage tank, be in close proximity to the road tanker and the storage tank and shall, so far as is practicable, keep a constant watch on the licensed premises for the purpose of preventing any hazardous situation arising.

13.  The driver of a road tanker shall ensure that, during the whole time of a delivery of petrol—

(a)neither its engine, nor any other engine or motor which is attached to that road tanker, is run; and

(b)the road tanker remains stationary.

14.  During the whole time of a delivery of petrol from a road tanker, the driver of that tanker shall remain near it, and shall—

(a)so far as is practicable, keep a constant watch on—

(i)the delivery hose (whether a single length or segmented), the connections at both ends of the delivery hose and (in the case of a segmented hose) each connection between the segments,

(ii)(where the provisions of paragraph 7 apply to the delivery) the balance hose and the connections at both ends of that hose, 'and vapour

(iii)the carrying tank of the road tanker; and

(b)ensure, so far as is practicable, that no petrol escapes from any hose connection such as is specified in sub-paragraph (a)(i).

15.  Both the driver and the competent person shall, during the whole time of a delivery of petrol from a road tanker into a storage tank, ensure, so far as is practicable, that no petrol overflows from the storage tank concerned.

16.  The driver of a road tanker shall ensure that petrol from a single compartment of the carrying tank is not delivered into more than one storage tank unless—

(a)each of the storage tanks into which the petrol is to be delivered can safely receive all of the petrol remaining in the compartment;

(b)either the foot valve or the faucet valve for the compartment can be operated from on top of the carrying tank and dipping of the compartment is carried out on a continual basis; or

(c)other effective and reliable mechanical or other measures are taken to prevent overfilling of each of the storage tanks concerned.

17.  When the driver of a road tanker has completed a delivery of petrol to which the provisions of paragraph 7 applied, he shall, having first disconnected the delivery hose (whether a single length or segmented), disconnect the vapour balance hose.

18.  The competent person shall, following the completion of a delivery of petrol from a road tanker—

(a)give one of the two copies of the certificate completed in accordance with paragraphs 10 and 11 to the driver of the road tanker from which the delivery has been made, and the driver shall give it to the supplier of the petrol, who shall keep it for a period of not less than 12 months after the delivery; and

(b)give the second of the two copies of the certificate completed in accordance with paragraphs 10 and 11 to the licensee of the premises where the delivery was made, who shall keep it at those premises for a period of not less than 12 months after the delivery.