The Social Security (Barbados) Order (Northern Ireland) 1992

ARTICLE 13Maternity Grant under the Legislation of Jersey, Guernsey or Barbados

(1) “Party” in this Article shall mean Jersey, Guernsey, or Barbados.

(2) For the purpose of a claim for maternity grant under the legislation of one Party, a woman who is confined in the territory of the other Party shall be treated as if she were in, or confined in, the territory of the former Party and any grant to which she may be entitled under the legislation of that Party shall be payable as if she were in, or confined in, the territory of that Party and not as if she were in, or confined in, the territory of the latter Party.

(3) Where a woman would be entitled to a maternity grant under the legislation of both Parties in respect of the same confinement, whether by virtue of this Convention or otherwise:

(a)the grant shall be payable only under the legislation of the Party in whose territory the confinement occurs; or

(b)if the confinement does not occur in the territory of either Party, the grant shall be payable only under the legislation of the Party under whose legislation the woman or, if relevant to the claim, her husband was last insured before the confinement.

(4) Maternity grant may also be paid under the legislation of Barbados notwithstanding that the confinement has taken place in Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man.