The Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2008


2.  A Commissioner—

(a)shall hold office in accordance with the terms of appointment; and

(b)may resign by notice in writing to the Secretary of State.

3.  The Secretary of State may, after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice, dismiss a Commissioner if satisfied

(a)that the Commissioner has without reasonable excuse failed to carry out any functions for a continuous period of 3 months beginning not earlier than 6 months before the day of dismissal;

(b)that the Commissioner has been convicted of a criminal offence;

(c)that a bankruptcy order has been made against the Commissioner, or the Commissioner’s estate had been sequestrated, or the Commissioner has made a composition or arrangement with, or granted a trust deed for, the Commissioner’s creditors; or

(d)that the Commissioner is unable or unfit to carry out any functions of a Commissioner.