


Provision of information and consultation

Provision of information about tenancies

18.—(1) Where the Executive or any registered housing association lets dwelling-houses under introductory tenancies, it shall publish information about its introductory tenancies, in such form as it considers best suited to explain in simple terms, and, so far as it considers it appropriate, the effect of—

(a)the express terms of its introductory tenancies,

(b)the provisions of this Chapter, and

(c)the landlord’s repairing obligations;

and shall ensure that so far as is reasonably practicable the information so published is kept up to date.

(2) The landlord under an introductory tenancy shall supply the tenant with—

(a)a copy of the information for introductory tenants published by it under paragraph (1), and

(b)a written statement of the terms of the tenancy, so far as they are neither expressed in the lease or written tenancy agreement (if any) nor implied by law;

and the statement required by sub-paragraph (b) shall be supplied on the grant of the tenancy or as soon as practicable afterwards.

Consultation on matters of housing management

19.—(1) Where the Executive or a registered housing association lets dwelling-houses under introductory tenancies, it shall maintain such arrangements as it considers appropriate to enable those of its introductory tenants who are likely to be substantially affected by a relevant matter of housing management—

(a)to be informed of the proposals of the Executive or the association in respect of the matter, and

(b)to make their views known to the Executive or the association within a specified period.

(2) The Executive or the association shall, before making a decision on a relevant matter, consider any representations made to it in accordance with those arrangements.

(3) A matter is one of housing management if, in the opinion of the Executive or the association concerned, it relates to—

(a)the management, improvement, maintenance or demolition of dwelling-houses let by the Executive or the association under introductory or secure tenancies, or

(b)the provision of services or amenities in connection with such dwelling-houses;

but not so far as it relates to the rent payable under an introductory or secure tenancy or to charges for services or facilities provided by the Executive or the association.

(4) A matter is relevant if, in the opinion of the Executive or the association concerned, it represents—

(a)a new programme of maintenance, improvement or demolition, or

(b)a change in the practice or policy of the Executive or the association,

and is likely substantially to affect either its introductory tenants as a whole or a group of them who form a distinct social group or occupy dwelling-houses which constitute a distinct class (whether by reference to the kind of dwelling-house, or the housing estate or other larger area in which they are situated).

(5) The Executive or the association shall publish details of the arrangements which it makes under this Article, and a copy of the documents published under this paragraph shall—

(a)be made available at the Executive’s district offices or at the association’s principal office for inspection at all reasonable hours, without charge, by members of the public, and

(b)be given, on payment of a reasonable fee, to any member of the public who asks for one.