Subscription of Deeds Act 1579 (repealed)

Item It is statut and ordanit be oure souerane lord with auise of his thrie estaitis in parliament That all contractis obligationes reuersiones assignationes and discharges of reuersiones or eikis thairto And generalie all writtis importing heritable title or vtheris bandis and obligationes of greit importance to be maid in tyme cuming salbe subscriuit . . . F1 be the principall pairtijs gif they can subscriue vtherwayis be . . . F2 notaris befoir . . . F2 witnesses denominat be thair speciall duelling places or sum vther euident takens That the witnesses be knawin be present at that tyme Otherwyse the saidis writtis to mak na fayth

Textual Amendments applied to the whole legislation