Section 62 – Assessment of penalties
101.This section deals with the assessment of penalties under this Chapter. Where a person becomes liable for a penalty and the local authority choose to impose it, subsection (1) requires the local authority to assess the penalty (to ascertain the amount of penalty due) and notify the person that the penalty is due. That assessment must be made within 12 months of the person becoming liable to the penalty (subsection (3)), or, as regards a penalty under section 59 (penalties for inaccurate information or documents), within 12 months of the inaccuracy first coming to the attention of an authorised officer and within 6 years of the person becoming liable to the penalty (subsection (5)). But if the penalty is one relating to an information notice which may be appealed, the assessment under section 56 or 57 (penalties for failure to comply or obstruction) is to be carried out within 12 months of the end of any period in which notice of an appeal may be given, or if an appeal is made, within 12 months of the date on which the appeal is determined or withdrawn (subsection (4)). The obligation to pay the penalty does not arise until notification of the penalty is issued under subsection (2)(b).