Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 Explanatory Notes

Section 46 - Personal licence applications and renewals: ground for refusal

149.Section 46 makes amendments to sections 73, 74 and 78 of the 2005 Act in relation to personal licence applications and renewals. Section 46 provides that it is a ground for refusal at a hearing when determining a personal licence application or personal licence renewal application under section 74 of the 2005 Act if the Licensing Board considers that, having regard to the licensing objectives, the applicant is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a personal licence.

150.Subsection (2) provides that on giving a notice under subsection (3)(a) or (b) of section 73 of the 2005 Act, the Chief Constable may also provide to the Licensing Board any information in relation to the applicant that the Chief Constable considers may be relevant to consideration of the application by the Board.

151.Section 46 also inserts a new section 73A into the 2005 Act to provide that where a Licensing Board receives a personal licence application, the Board must give notice of it, together with a copy of the application, to a Licensing Standards Officer for the Board’s area. A Licensing Standards Officer may, within 21 days of the date of receipt of this notice, respond to the notice by giving the Licensing Board any information in relation to the applicant that the Officer considers may be relevant to consideration of the application by the Board. If information is supplied to the Board by the Chief Constable or by a Licensing Standards Officer, the Board may hold a hearing.

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