Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 Explanatory Notes

Section 15 – Police and visitor permits: conditions

58.This section relates to conditions that are applied to police and visitor permits which have been granted under section 12 or section 13 respectively. Conditions will have the same effect as described in section 6. Subsection (1) sets out that all such permits will be subject to any mandatory conditions, which will be specified in regulations issued under section 36. Subsection (2) allows the Chief Constable to attach additional conditions to police and visitor permits as required.

59.Subsection (3) specifies that conditions attached by the Chief Constable must not be inconsistent with or undermine the effect of any of the mandatory conditions required by subsection (1), or any other condition attached as a requirement of this Part (for example, by virtue of the visitor’s age (under section 14) and/ or their being part of a group (under section 13)).

60.Subsections (4) and (5) make it an offence for the permit holder to contravene any condition attached to a permit under this section, and set out the penalty. This offence attracts strict liability.

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