Land Registration etc. (Scotland) Act 2012 Explanatory Notes

Section 6: The property section of the title sheet

35.This section sets out what has to be included in the property section of the title sheet. It is commonly known as the “A section”. The property section sets out what the registered property is. Subsection (1)(a)(i) requires the description of the plot of land to be a description by reference to the cadastral map. This reflects the importance of the cadastral map in the Land Register under the Act in showing the registered boundaries of plots of land.

36.Subsection (1)(b) requires the particulars of incorporeal pertinents (such as servitudes) to be entered onto the property section.

37.Subsection (1)(c) requires alluvion agreements (made under section 66) to be entered on the property section.

38.Where the title sheet is for a sharing plot (see sections 17 to 19) or a sharing lease (see section 20 and schedule 1), subsection (1)(d) requires the property section of the title sheet to specify what the share in the shared plot or shared lease area is.

39.Subsection (1)(f) requires, in the case where more than one title sheet exists relating to the same area of land (such as a title sheet for ownership of the land and a title sheet for ownership of the minerals under the surface of that land), that the property section of each title sheet provide a cross-reference to the other title sheet(s).

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