Explanatory Notes

Reservoirs (Scotland) Act 2011

2011 asp 9

12 April 2011

The Act – Section by Section

Part 1 – Reservoirs

Chapter 10 – Miscellaneous
Section 103 – Notice to SEPA of revocation of appointment or resignation of engineer

139.This section requires reservoir managers to notify to SEPA when they have revoked the appointment of an engineer or when an engineer appointed by him or her notifies them of their resignation from appointment in relation to a controlled reservoir and the date it took affect. Subsection (2) requires engineers to notify the reservoir manager in writing when they have resigned from an appointment for a controlled reservoir and the date the resignation is effective from. Subsection (3) and (4) require the reservoir manager to notify SEPA within 28 days of the revocation or of being informed of the resignation. Subsection (5) makes it an offence for the reservoir manager to fail to comply with the requirements of this section. Subsection (6) sets out the liabilities of anyone committing an offence under this section.