
Part 10Special procedure for disposals and restructuring resulting in change of landlord

Chapter 1Disposals by a registered social landlord

121Regulator’s approval

(1)Where a direction is made under section 116(1)(b), the Regulator must—

(a)approve the disposal if satisfied—

(i)that a majority of tenants voting in a ballot conducted under section 118 wish the disposal to proceed, or as the case may be,

(ii)that the landlord has obtained the written agreement of a majority of the tenants whose written agreement the landlord was required to seek under section 119, or

(b)if not so satisfied, withdraw the conditional consent it gave under section 116(1)(b).

(2)The Regulator may, before making its decision under this section, require the registered social landlord concerned to provide information about—

(a)the ballot conducted under section 118, or

(b)the written agreements sought under section 119.