Section 50 – Sub-district flood risk advisory groups
164.This section provides for the establishment of sub-district advisory groups to advise SEPA on the preparation and review of flood risk assessments, documents identifying potentially vulnerable areas and local plan districts, assessments in relation to alteration of natural features and characteristics, flood risk and flood hazard maps and flood risk management plans. These sub-district groups are also to advise lead authorities on the preparation of local flood risk management plans and interim and final reports.
165.Subsection (1) requires SEPA to divide each flood risk management district into geographical “sub-districts” and subsection (2) then requires a sub-district advisory group to be established for each such sub-district.
166.Subsection (3) and (4) set out the functions of sub-district advisory groups. Each sub-district advisory group is to advise SEPA on any matter relating to flood risk assessments, identification of areas at significant flood risk, flood risk hazard/risk maps and flood risk management plans. Each sub-district advisory group must also advise local authorities on any matter which relates to the preparation of a local flood risk management plan.
167.Subsection (5) requires SEPA to have regard to advice from a sub-district advisory group when preparing, reviewing or updating any flood risk assessment (section 9), assessment of vulnerable areas and identification of local plan districts (section 13), flood hazard or risk map (section 21), or flood risk management plan (section 27). Subsection (6) requires lead authorities to have regard to any advice given by a sub-district advisory group when preparing local flood risk management plans and interim and final reports.
168.Subsection (7) makes provision for SEPA to determine the remits, membership and procedures of a sub-district advisory group after consultation with local authorities whose areas form part of the sub-district. When determining the remits and membership of groups, subsection (8) requires SEPA to try and ensure appropriate representation of responsible authorities, Scottish Natural Heritage and National Park authorities, category 1 responders and other persons with an interest in flood risk management for the sub-district.