
SCHEDULE 6Acquisition of certain land

(introduced by sections 1 and 23)

Part 1Acquisition of land

Sheet of Parliamentary plansNumber of land shown on plansPurpose for which land may be acquired
In the local government area of the City of Edinburgh—
436a, 512Alternative access and road access to tramroad for maintenance
9161, 162Working site and thereafter public access to tram stop
9 and 10165Landscaping
10166, 173, 175Landscaping
10 to 12184Landscaping
16288Pedestrian access
16262, 263, 274, 292, 293, 295, 301, 305, 306Landscaping
16 and 17304Landscaping
22376, 377, 378, 381, 382, 386Landscaping

Part 2Acquisition of rights in land

Sheet of Parliamentary plansNumber of land shown on plansPurpose for which rights may be acquired
In the local government area of the City of Edinburgh—
6110Installation of apparatus
13206, 207, 207a, 208a, 209Installation of apparatus
14220, 221Installation of apparatus
17 and 18311Emergency access
19317, 320Flood relief
23397, 400, 401Installation of apparatus
25417, 418, 419Access for maintenance