Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Gaelic language plans

Section 7 – Review of plans

41.This section makes provision for the review of Gaelic language plans.

42.Subsection (1) provides that this section applies to a Gaelic language plan approved under section 5 or to a plan which has been reviewed and subsequently approved under this section.

43.Subsection (2) requires a relevant public authority which has a Gaelic language plan to review that plan within 5 years and to make any amendments to the plan which it considers necessary. The public authority must then submit the plan, amended or unamended, to the Bòrd.

44.Subsection (3) specifies that the provisions in section 3(4) to (6) and section 5 are also to operate in relation to a plan which is being reviewed under subsection (2). Before submitting a reviewed plan to the Bòrd, therefore, a public authority must comply with the same requirements regarding content, consultation, approval etc. as applied when the plan under review was prepared.

45.Subsection (4) enables a public authority to make minor amendments to its plan at any time without having to submit the plan for reapproval to the Bòrd.

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