Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005

  1. Introduction

  2. The Act

  3. Commentary on Parts

    1. Part 1 – Core Provisions

      1. Section 1 – Prohibition of unlicensed sale of alcohol

      2. Section 2 – Meaning of “alcohol”

      3. Section 3 – Certain supplies of alcohol to be treated as sales

      4. Section 4 – The licensing objectives

    2. Part 2 – Licensing Bodies and Officers

      1. Section 5 – Licensing Boards

      2. Section 6 – Statements of licensing policy

      3. Section 7 – Duty to assess overprovision

      4. Section 8 – Applicants attempting to influence Board members

      5. Section 9 – Licensing Board’s duty to keep a public register

      6. Section 10 – Local Licensing Forums

      7. Section 11 – General functions of Local Licensing Forums

      8. Section 12 – Licensing Boards’ duties in relation to Local Licensing Forums

      9. Section 13 – Licensing Standards Officers

      10. Section 14 – General functions of Licensing Standards Officers

      11. Section 15 –Powers of entry and inspection

      12. Section 16 – Training of Licensing Standards Officers

    3. Part 3 – Premises Licences

      1. Section 17 – Premises licence

      2. Section 18 – Meaning of “appropriate Licensing Board”

      3. Section 19 – Meaning of “premises manager”

      4. Section 20 – Application for premises licence

      5. Section 21 – Notification of application

      6. Section 22 – Objections and representations

      7. Section 23 – Determination of premises licence applications

      8. Section 24 – Applicant’s duty to notify Licensing Board of convictions

      9. Section 25 – Further application after refusal of premises licence application

      10. Section 26 – Issue of licence and summary

      11. Section 27 – Conditions of premises licence

      12. Section 28 – Period of effect of premises licence

      13. Section 29 – Application to vary premises licence

      14. Section 30 – Determination of application for variation

      15. Section 31 – Variation to substitute new premises manager

      16. Section 32 – Further application after refusal of application for variation

      17. Section 33 – Transfer on application of licence holder

      18. Section 34 – Transfer on application of person other than licence holder

      19. Section 35 – Variation on transfer

      20. Section 36 – Application for review of premises licence

      21. Section 37 – Review of premises licence on Licensing Board’s initiative

      22. Section 38 – Review hearing

      23. Section 39 – Licensing Board’s powers on review

      24. Section 40 – Review of Licensing Board’s decision to vary or suspend licence

      25. Section 41 – Duty to notify court of premises licence

      26. Section 42 – Court’s duty to notify Licensing Board of convictions

      27. Section 43 – Licence holder’s duty to notify Licensing Board of convictions

      28. Section 44 – Procedure where Licensing Board receives notice of conviction

      29. Section 45 – Provisional premises licence

      30. Section 46 – Confirmation of provisional premises licence

      31. Section 47 – Temporary premises licence

      32. Section 48 – Notification of change of name or address

      33. Section 49 – Licensing Board’s duty to update premises licence

      34. Section 50 – Certificates as to planning, building standards and food hygiene

      35. Section 51 – Notification of determinations

      36. Section 52 – Duty to keep, display and produce premises licence

      37. Section 53 – Theft, loss etc. of premises licence or summary

      38. Section 54 – Dismissal, resignation, death etc. of premises manager

      39. Section 55 – Certified copies

    4. Part 4 – Occasional Licences

      1. Section 56 – Occasional licence

      2. Section 57 – Notification of application to chief constable

      3. Section 58 – Objections and representations

      4. Section 59 – Determination of application

      5. Section 60 – Conditions of occasional licence

      6. Section 61 – Notification of determinations

    5. Part 5 – Licensed Hours

      1. Section 62 – Licensed hours

      2. Section 63 – Prohibition of sale, consumption and taking away of alcohol outwith licensed hours

      3. Section 64 – 24 hour licences to be granted only in exceptional circumstances

      4. Section 65 – Licensed hours: off-sales

      5. Section 66 – Effect of start and end of British Summer Time

      6. Section 67 – Power for Licensing Board to grant general extensions of licensed hours.

      7. Section 68 – Extended hours applications

      8. Section 69 – Notification of extended hours application

      9. Section 70 – Determination of extended hours application

    6. Part 6 – Personal Licences

      1. Section 71 – Personal licence

      2. Section 72 – Application for personal licence

      3. Section 73 – Notification of application to chief constable

      4. Section 74 – Determination of personal licence application

      5. Section 75 – Applicant’s duty to notify Licensing Board of convictions

      6. Section 76 – Issue of licence

      7. Section 77 – Period of effect of personal licence

      8. Section 78 – Renewal of personal licence

      9. Section 79 – Notification of determinations

      10. Section 80 – Duty to notify court of personal licence

      11. Section 81 – Court’s duty to notify Licensing Board of convictions

      12. Section 82 – Licence holder’s duty to notify Licensing Board of convictions

      13. Section 83 – Procedure where Licensing Board receives notice of conviction

      14. Section 84 – Conduct inconsistent with the licensing objectives

      15. Section 85 – Expiry of endorsements

      16. Section 86 – Suspension of licence after multiple endorsements

      17. Section 87 – Licence holder’s duty to undertake training

      18. Section 88 – Notification of change of name or address

      19. Section 89 – Licensing Board’s duty to update licence

      20. Section 90 – Power to specify which Licensing Board is to exercise functions under this Part

      21. Section 91 – Power to prescribe licensing qualifications

      22. Section 92 – Theft, loss etc. of personal licence

      23. Section 93 – Licence holder’s duty to produce licence

    7. Part 7 – Control of Order

      1. Section 94 – Exclusion orders

      2. Section 95 – Breach of exclusion order

      3. Section 96 – Exclusion orders: supplementary provision

      4. Section 97 – Closure orders

      5. Section 98 – Termination of closure orders

      6. Section 99 – Extension of emergency closure order

      7. Section 100 – Regulations as to closure orders

    8. Part 8 – Offences

      1. Section 102 – Sale of alcohol to a child or young person.

      2. Section 103 – Allowing the sale of alcohol to a child or young person

      3. Section 104 – Sale of liqueur confectionery to a child

      4. Section 105 – Purchase of alcohol by or for a child or young person

      5. Section 106 – Consumption of alcohol by a child or young person

      6. Section 107 – Unsupervised sale of alcohol by a child or young person

      7. Section 108 – Delivery of alcohol by or to a child or young person

      8. Section 109 – Sending a child or young person to obtain alcohol

      9. Section 110 – Duty to display notice

      10. Section 111 – Drunk persons entering or in premises on which alcohol is sold

      11. Section 112 – Obtaining of alcohol by or for a drunk person

      12. Section 113 – Sale of alcohol to a drunk person

      13. Section 114 – Premises manager, staff etc. not to be drunk

      14. Section 115 – Disorderly conduct

      15. Section 116 – Refusal to leave premises

      16. Section 117 – Offences relating to sale of alcohol to trade

      17. Section 118 – Prohibition of sale of alcohol on moving vehicles

      18. Section 119 – Delivery of alcohol from vehicles etc.

      19. Section 120 – Prohibition of late-night deliveries of alcohol

      20. Section 121 – Keeping of smuggled goods

    9. Part 9 – Miscellaneous and General

      1. Section 123 – Excluded premises

      2. Section 124 – Exempt premises

      3. Section 125 – Special provisions for certain clubs

      4. Section 126 – Vessels, vehicles and moveable structures

      5. Section 127 – Power to prohibit sale of alcohol on trains

      6. Section 128 – Power to prohibit sale of alcohol on ferries

      7. Section 129 – Relevant offences and foreign offences

      8. Section 130 – Effect of appeal against conviction for relevant or foreign offence

      9. Section 131 – Appeals

      10. Section 132 – Appeals: supplementary provisions

      11. Section  133 – Hearings

      12. Section 134 – Form etc. of application and notices

      13. Section 135 – Power to relieve failure to comply with rules and other requirements

      14. Section 136 – Fees

      15. Section 137 – Inspection of premises before grant of licence etc.

      16. Section 138 – Police powers of entry

      17. Section 139 – Remote sales of alcohol

      18. Section 140 – Presumption as to liquid contents of containers

      19. Section 141 – Offences by bodies corporate etc.

      20. Section 142 – Guidance

      21. Section 143 – Crown application

      22. Section 144 – Modification of enactments

      23. Section 145 – Ancillary provision

      24. Section 146 – Orders and regulations

      25. Section 147 – Interpretation

      26. Section 148 – Index of defined expressions

      27. Section 149 – Repeals

      28. Section 150 – Short title and commencement

    10. Schedule 1

    11. Schedule 2

    12. Schedule 3

    13. Schedule 4

    14. Schedule 5

    15. Schedule 6

  4. Parliamentary History