Explanatory Notes

Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003

2003 asp 7

26 March 2003

The Act The Act is in 12 parts.

Part 1 – Protection of the Public at Large

The Risk Management Authority

Section 4 – Policy and research

35.This section describes the various functions the RMA will be required to undertake in relation to its policy and research role.  In relation to research, the RMA will be able to compile and keep under review research and developments in the field of risk assessment and risk minimisation, including information about how relevant services are provided in Scotland.  The section also empowers the RMA to carry out its own research or commission or co-ordinate research and to publish the findings.  The RMA will be able to carry out pilot schemes for the purposes of developing and improving risk assessment and minimisation methods and use the results of the research and pilots to promote effective practice throughout Scotland.  This will be done through issuing standards and guidelines which are dealt with in section 5.  As part of this function the RMA will also be able to give appropriate advice and make appropriate recommendations to the Scottish Ministers.