Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 Explanatory Notes

Section 9: Grant or refusal of registration under Part 1

50.Registration will only be granted if the Commission is satisfied that the applicant has demonstrated that they have complied with or will comply with the relevant standards and other relevant requirements. The burden of proof is with the applicant rather than the Commission.

51.Subsection (1) provides that an application under section 7 can be granted either unconditionally or subject to any conditions the Commission sees fit to impose. Specific conditions may be required to take account of the circumstances in an individual service, for example, a condition that a particular door is kept locked to prevent children from wandering directly onto a busy road, or that a particular ratio or skill mix of staff is needed.

52.Subsection (2) provides that if the Commission is satisfied that the applicant is complying with, or will comply with, all relevant requirements set out in the care standards and in regulations under section 29, and the requirements of any other legislation that it considers relevant, it should give the applicant notice of its decision to grant registration either unconditionally under section 17(1) or subject to conditions under section 15(1)(a). Otherwise, it will give notice of its refusal of registration under section 15(1)(b).

53.If the Commission grants the application, it must issue a certificate of registration (subsection (3)), which the service provider must display in a prominent position (subsection (4)), either in the premises where the care service is operated from, and if there is a separate management office, in that office too.

54.In making a decision under this section, the Commission must take the national care standards and the Council’s codes of practice into account.

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