Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972

N.I.Satisfaction of claims

14(1)The council, on paying to any person any compensation (whether the amount has been settled by agreement or determined by the Lands Tribunal), shall obtain from that person a receipt in the prescribed form, which shall be prepared by, and executed at the cost of, the council, and the receipt shall operate to release the compensation fund from all claims by the person giving it and all parties claiming through or under him.N.I.

(2)The council shall pay the costs reasonably incurred by any person claiming compensation, to whom compensation is found due, of furnishing any statement, abstract or other evidence of title required by the council to be furnished by him.

15(1)Where the compensation payable (whether the amount thereof has been settled by agreement or determined by the Lands Tribunal) to any person does not exceed the sum of £100, and the claimant makes a statutory declaration in the prescribed form stating whether he claims as absolute or as limited owner, and gives prima facie evidence which satisfies the council that for not less than six years immediately preceding he, or his immediate predecessor in title, has been personally or by an agent in receipt of the rents or profits, or in actual occupation, of the land in respect of which compensation is payable, the council may pay to the person claiming as absolute owner the compensation payable for the estate in respect of which he claims, and, where a person claims as limited owner of any estate, the council may pay the compensation payable for that estate to the trustees of the settlement under which the limited owner claims.N.I.

(2)Where any compensation not exceeding the sum of £100 is payable in respect of an estate which is subject to any mortgage or charge (not being a charge consisting of an annuity under the Land Purchase Acts or a charge in respect of any sums repayable in respect of a loan made by any government department), the compensation may be paid to the person entitled to the mortgage or charge, or, if there is more than one such mortgage or charge, then the person entitled to the mortgage or charge which is first in priority, and the amount so paid shall be received in reduction of the principal sum for the time being owing in respect of the mortgage or charge, notwithstanding any direction, proviso or covenant to the contrary contained in any instrument; and where the compensation is paid to a mortgagee or chargeant, the receipt given by the mortgagee or chargeant shall release the compensation fund from all claims by him and any subsequent mortgagee or chargeant, and also from all claims by the person creating the mortgage or charge and all persons claiming through or under that person.

(3)A memorandum of the amount paid under sub-paragraph (2) shall, when practicable, be endorsed on the instrument creating the mortgage or charge, and shall be signed by the person receiving the compensation, and a copy of the memorandum shall be furnished by the council at its expense to all persons appearing to the council to be entitled to any estate in the land subject to the mortgage or charge.

16N.I.Any person claiming to be entitled to any money paid to another person pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Schedule may, within six years after the payment has been made, on giving such notice as may be required by rules of court or, as the case requires, county court rules, apply for relief to the High Court, where the amount exceeds 1,000, or to the county court within the jurisdiction of which the land in respect of which the money has been paid is situated, where the amount claimed does not exceed 1,000; and the court may either dismiss the application, or give judgment or make a decree against the council for the amount found due in respect of the claim, and any sum so awarded shall be a debt due to the council by the person to whom the money was paid by it, arising at the date of the judgment or decree.

17F1(1)Where the amount of compensation has been determined but for some reason it is not possible for the council to obtain a good discharge therefor,—N.I.

(a)if the total amount of the compensation does not exceed £1,000, the council shall pay the money into the county court and that court shall have with respect thereto all the jurisdiction exercisable by the High Court under the Lands Clauses Acts;

(b)if the total amount of the compensation exceeds £1,000, the amount payable by the council shall be paid, applied and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 [1845 c.18] with respect to the purchase money or compensation coming to parties having limited interests, or prevented from treating, or not making title, and those provisions shall have effect accordingly.

(2)Money paid into the county court or, as the case may be, the High Court under sub-paragraph (1) shall, subject to county court rules or rules of court, be dealt with according to the orders of the court.

(3)The payment of the compensation in the manner provided by sub-paragraph (1) shall operate to discharge the compensation fund from all claims and interests in respect of which the compensation is payable.

18(1)The council shall pay interest upon the compensation money from the date of the vesting of the land in respect of which the compensation is payable until the time of the payment of the money and interest to the party entitled thereto, or, where such compensation is paid into court, then until the sum with such interest is paid into court accordingly.N.I.

(2)The rate of interest payable under this paragraph shall be such rate as is determined by order made by the Ministry of Finance.