House to House Charitable Collections Act (Northern Ireland) 1952

1Charitable collections from house to house to be licensed.N.I.

(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act, no collection for a charitable purpose shall be made unless the requirements of this Act as to a licence for the promotion of such collection are satisfied.

(2)If a person promotes a collection for a charitable purpose, and a collection for that purpose is made in any locality pursuant to such promotion, then, unless there is in force, throughout the period during which the collection is made in that locality, a licence authorising him, or authorising another person under whose authority he acts, to promote a collection therein for that purpose, he shall be guilty of an offence.

(3)If a person acts as a collector in any locality for the purposes of a collection for a charitable purpose, then, unless there is in force, at all times when he so acts, a licence authorising a promoter under whose authority he acts, or authorising the collector himself, to promote a collection therein for that purpose, he shall be guilty of an offence.

(4)If the county inspectorF1 of police for the area comprising a locality in which a collection for a charitable purpose is being or is proposed to be made is satisfied that that purpose is local in character and that the collection is likely to be completed within a short period of time, he may grant to the person who appears to him to be principally concerned in the promotion of the collection a certificate in the prescribed form, and, where a certificate is so granted, the provisions of this Act, except the provisions of sections five and six thereof and the provisions of section seven thereof in so far as they relate to those sections, shall not apply, in relation to a collection made for that purpose within such locality and within such period as may be specified in the certificate, to the person to whom the certificate is granted or to any person authorised by him to promote the collection or to act as a collector for the purposes thereof.

F1Now chief superintendent, SRO (NI) 1970/111