Crown Private Estate Act 1800

10 Monies for the privy purse or not appropriated to any publick service, or effects which shall not come to his Majesty, or to his successors in right of the crown shall be deemed personal estate, and subject to disposition by will in writing and shall be liable to all debts payable out of the privy purse.E+W+S

And whereas it is his Majesty’s most gracious desire that all such personal estate and effects as his Majesty shall be possessed of or entitled to at the time of his demise, and over which he shall have the full and absolute power of disposition by his last will and testament, should be subject and liable to the payment of all such debts of his Majesty as shall during his lifetime be properly payable out of his privy purse: And whereas it is reasonable that all such personal estate and effects as any of his Majesty’s successors, kings or queens of this realm, shall be possessed or entitled to in like manner should also be subject and liable to the like charge; and it is expedient to fix and regulate what personal estate and effects of his Majesty and his successors are subject to such testamentary disposition, and in what form such disposition shall be made: Now therefore be it further enacted and declared, that all such personal estate of his Majesty and his successors respectively, as shall consist of monies which may be issued or applied for the use of his or their privy purse, or monies not appropriated to any publick service, or goods, chattels or effects which have not or shall not come to his Majesty or shall not come to his successors respectively with or in right of the crown of this realm, shall be deemed and taken to be personal estate and effects of his Majesty and his successors respectively subject to disposition by last will and testament; and that such last will and testament shall be in writing, under the sign manual of his Majesty and his successors respectively, or otherwise shall not be valid; and that all and singular the personal estate and effects, whereof or whereto his Majesty or any of his successors shall be possessed or entitled at the time of his and their respective demises, subject to such testamentary disposition as aforesaid, shall be liable to the payment of all such debts as shall be properly payable out of his or their privy purse; and that, subject thereto, the same personal estate and effects of his Majesty and his successors respectively, or so much thereof respectively as shall not be given or bequeathed or disposed of as aforesaid, shall go in such and the same manner on the demise of his Majesty and his successors respectively, as the same would have gone if this Act had not been made.