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9 Proprietor laying out money for improvement of estate to be a creditor to succeeding heir for three fourths thereof;S

And whereas it may be highly beneficial to the public, if proprietors of entailed estates were encouraged to lay out money in inclosing, planting, or draining, or in erecting farm-houses, and offices or out-buildings for the same, upon their entailed lands and heritages: And whereas such proprietors may be induced and encouraged so to do, if they, their executors and assigns, were secured in recovering a reasonable satisfaction for the money expended in making such improvements, from the succeeding heirs of entail; Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every proprietor of an entailed estate who lays out money in inclosing, planting, or draining, or in erecting farm-houses, and offices or out-buildings for the same, for the improvement of his lands and heritages, shall be a creditor to the succeeding heirs of entail for three fourth parts of the money laid out in making the said improvements.