The Cestui Que Vie Act 1707

V Guardians, Trustees, &c. holding over without consent of Remainder Man, &c. deemed Trespassers. Damages.E+W+S

And every Person who as Guardian or Trustee for any Infant and every Husband seised in Right of his Wife only and every other Person having any Estate determinable upon any Life or Lives who after the Determination of such particular Estates or Interests without the express Consent of him her or them who are or shall be next and immediately entitled upon and after the Determination of such particular Estates or Interests shall hold over and continue in Possession of any Manors Messuages Lands Tenements or Hereditaments shall be and are hereby adjudged to be Trespassers and that every Person and Persons his her and their Executors and Administrators who are or shall be entitled to any such Manors Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments upon or after the Determination of such particular Estates or Interests shall and may recover in Damages against every such Person or Persons so holding over as aforesaid and against his her or their Executors or Administrators the full Value of the Profits received during such Wrongful Possession as aforesaid.