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Off the incarnatioun of Chryst JesusS

QUIHAN the fulness of tyme came God send his Sone his eternall wisdome the substance of his awin glorie in this warlde quha tuik the nature of manheid of the substance of a woman to witt of a Virgine and that be the operation of the halie Gaist and sa was borne the iust seid of Dauid the Angell of the greit counsell of God the verray Messias promesit quham we acknawlege and confess Emanuell verray God and verray man twa perfyte naturis vnitit and Joynit in ane persone Be quhilk our confessioun we dampne the dampnabill and pestilent heresyis of Arrius Marcion Eutiches Nestorius and sic vtheris as outher deny the eternitie of his God-heid or the veritie of his humane nature or confound thame or yit devide thame