The giftis frelie geuin to the Kirk

ALBEIT that the worde of god trewlie preicheit and the sacramentis rychtlie ministerit and discipline executit according to the worde of god be the certane and infallibill signis of the trew kirk we mene not that euerie particulare person Joynit with sic ane cumpany be ane elect member of Christ Jesus For we acknawlege and confess that dornell cockell and caffe may be sawin grow and in greit aboundance ly in the middis of the quheit That is the reprobat may be Joynit in the societie of the elect and may externallie vse with thame the benefitis of the word and sacramentis Bot sic being bot temporall professouris in mouth bot not in heart do fall back and continew not to the end And thairfoir haue thay na frute of christis death resurrectioun nor ascensioun Bot sic as with heart vnfenyeitly beleif and with mouth bauldlie confess the Lord Jesus (as befoir we haue said) sall maist assuritlie ressaif thir giftis First in this lyfe remissioune of synnis and that be faith onlie in Christis blude In sa mekle that albeit syne remane and continuallie abyde in thir our mortall bodyis yit it is not Imputit vnto ws bot is remittit and couerit with christis Justice Secundlie in the generall Jugement thair salbe geuin to euerie man and woman resurrectioun of the flesche For the sey sall gif hir dead the eird thay that thairin he inclosit yea the eternall our God sal streiche out his hand on the dust and the deid sall aryse vncorruptibill and that in the substance of the self same flesche that euerie man now beiris to ressaif according to thair warkis glorie or punischement For sic as now delyte in vanitie crueltie fylthines superstitioun or Indolatrie salbe adiugeit to the fyre vnstancheabill In quhilk thay salbe tormentit for euer asweill in thair awin bodyis as in thair saulis quhilk now thay gif to serue the Deuill in all abhominatioun Bot sic as continew in well doing to the end bauldlie professing the Lord Jesus we constantlie beleif that they sall ressaif glorie honour and immortalitie to regne for euer in lyfe euerlasting with Christ Jesus to quhais glorifyit body all his elect salbe maid lyke quhan he sall appeir agane in Jugement and sall rander vp the kingdome to god his father quha than salbe and euer sall remane in all thingis god blissit for euer To quhome with the sone with the haly gaist be all honour and glorie now and euer So be it

ARYSE o Lord and lat thy enemeis be confoundit lat thame flee fra thy presence that hait thy godly name Giue thy seruandis strenth to speik thy worde in baldnes and lat all natiounis cleif to thy trew knawlege Amen

THIR ACTIS and articklis ar red in the face of Parliament and ratifyit be the thre estatis of this realme at edinburgh the seuintene day of August the yeir of God JmVc and thre scoir yeiris