Land Transaction Tax and Anti-avoidance of Devolved Taxes (Wales) Act 2017 Explanatory Notes

Section 62 - Variation of deferral requests

78.Section 62 provides for situations where the buyer may need, following a WRA agreement to a deferral request, to vary the expected end date (see section 58(8)(b)), or to adjust or remove one of the conditions for the deferral. WRA may agree the variation request in full or agree to a different expected end date or a different variation of a condition. Where WRA makes a decision on a variation request it must issue a notice of the decision with reasons to the buyer. WRA may not vary the terms of a deferral decision unilaterally, nor request that the buyer agree a variation. However, section 64 provides Welsh Ministers with the power to make regulations to enable WRA to make variations to the deferral agreement.

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