

Area-based implementation of the national policy

14Duty of public bodies to provide information or other assistance to NRW

(1)If NRW asks a public body to provide NRW with information which it requires for the purpose of exercising functions under section 8 or 11, the public body must provide the information unless the public body is prohibited from providing it by virtue of an enactment or any other rule of law.

(2)If NRW asks a public body to exercise its functions to provide NRW with other assistance which NRW requires for the purpose of exercising functions under section 8 or 11, the public body must provide the assistance unless the public body considers that doing so would—

(a)be incompatible with the public body’s own duties, or

(b)otherwise have an adverse effect on the exercise of the public body’s functions.

(3)The duties of a public body in subsections (1) and (2) are also duties of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, but they only apply to the Commissioner if the information or other assistance is required for the production of a report under section 8 on the state of natural resources.