

Co-operation with quality assessment etc

21Quality assessment etc: duty to co-operate

(1)The governing body of a regulated institution must ensure that a person exercising a function by virtue of section 17 or 20 is provided with such information, assistance and access to the institution’s facilities as the person reasonably requires for the purpose of exercising the function (including for the purpose of exercising any power under section 22).

(2)The governing body of an external provider must ensure that a person exercising a function by virtue of section 17 or 20(2) is provided with such information, assistance and access to the external provider’s facilities as the person reasonably requires for the purpose of exercising the function (including for the purpose of exercising any power under section 22).

(3)If HEFCW are satisfied that a governing body has failed to comply with subsection (1) or (2), they may direct it to take (or not to take) specified steps for the purpose of securing the provision of information, assistance or access as described in subsection (1) or (2) (as appropriate).