Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Act 2012


1Section 6 applies to byelaws made –

(a)under the enactments listed in the first column of table 1,

(b)in relation to the subject matter listed in the second column of table 1,

(c)by the type of authority listed in the third column of table 1.


Enactment under which byelaws are madeSubject-matter of byelawsType of authority by whom the byelaws are made
Section 68 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847Regulation of hackney carriagesCounty council and county borough council
Section 164 of the Public Health Act 1875Public walks and pleasure groundsCounty council, county borough council and community council
Section 6 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1889Regulation of horse drawn omnibusesCounty council and county borough council
Sections 12 and 15 of the Open Spaces Act 1906Open spaces and burial groundsCounty council, county borough council and community council
Section 82 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1907Sea-shoreCounty council and county borough council
Section 83 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1907PromenadesCounty council and county borough council
Section 81 of the Public Health Act 1936Prevention of certain nuisancesCounty council and county borough council
Section 82 of the Public Health Act 1936Removal through streets of offensive matter or liquidCounty council and county borough council
Section 87 of the Public Health Act 1936Provision of public conveniencesCounty council, county borough council and community council
Section 198 of the Public Health Act 1936Provision of mortuaries and post-mortem roomsCounty council, county borough council and community council
Section 223 of the Public Health Act 1936Regulation of baths, washhouses, swimming baths etcCounty council, county borough council and community council
Section 231 of the Public Health Act 1936Public bathingCounty council, county borough council and community council
Section 233 of the Public Health Act 1936With respect to swimming baths and bathing pools not under the management of a local authorityCounty council, county borough council and community council
Section 268 of the Public Health Act 1936Prevention of nuisances in connection with the use of tents, vans etcCounty council and county borough council
Section 270 of the Public Health Act 1936Accommodation of hop-pickers and persons engaged in similar workCounty council and county borough council
Section 75 of the Public Health Act 1961Pleasure fairs and roller skating rinksCounty council and county borough council
Section 76 of the Public Health Act 1961Seaside pleasure boatsCounty council and county borough council
Section 77 of the Public Health Act 1961Hairdressers and barbersCounty council and county borough council
Section 19 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964Regulating the conduct of persons in libraries and museums and the use of those facilitiesCounty council and county borough council
Section 35 of the Highways Act 1980Regulation of walkwaysCounty council and county borough council
Section 114 of the Highways Act 1980Conduct of persons using or entering public conveniences provided by highway authoritiesCounty council and county borough council
Section 14 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982AcupunctureCounty council and county borough council
Section 15 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982Tattooing, semi-permanent skin colouring, cosmetic piercing and electrolysisCounty council and county borough council
Section 60 of the Food Act 1984Regulation and prevention of nuisances in market placesCounty council, county borough council and community council
Section 31 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984Use of a road as a playground for childrenCounty council and county borough council
Section 57(7) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984Use of parking placesCommunity council
Section 23 of the Housing Act 1985Management, use and regulation of local authority houses, the use of land provided in connection with housing and as respects local authority lodging housesCounty council and county borough council
Section 16 of the Cardiff Bay Barrage Act 1993Good rule and government of inland bay and harbourCounty council (Cardiff)
Section 2 of this ActGood rule and governmentCounty council and county borough council
Section 4(1) of this Act in so far as it applies to byelaws made under any of the enactments listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1Power to revoke byelawsLegislating authority