Wales incorporated with England; and so declared; with like Liberties, &c. to Subjects born there as in England; Laws of Inheritance and other English Laws extended to Wales.

Albeit the Domynyon Principalitie and Countrey of Wales justly and rightuouslye is and ever hath ben incorporated annexed united and subjecte to & under the Imperiall Crowne of this Realme, as a verrye membre and joynte of the same, X1Wherfore the Kinges moost Roiall Magestie of mere droite and verye right is verie hedde King Lorde and Ruler, yet notwithstanding by cause that in the same Countrey Principalitie and Dominion dyvers rightes usagis lawes and customes be farre discrepant frome the Lawes and Customes of this Realme, And also by cause that the people of the same Dominion have and do daily use a speche nothing like ne consonaunt to the naturall mother tonge used within this Realme, somme rude and ignorant people have made distinccion and diversitie betwene the Kinges Subjectes of this Realme and hys Subjectes of the said Dominion and Principalitie of Wales, wherby greate discorde variaunce debate dyvysion murmur and sedicion hath growen betwene his said subjectes; His Highnes therfore of a singuler zele love and favour that he beareth towardes his Subjectes of his said Dominion of Wales, mynding and entending to reduce them to the perfecte order notice & knowlege of his lawes of this his Realme, and utterly to extirpe all and singuler the senister usages and customes differinge frome the same, and to bringe his said Subjectes of this his Realme and of his said Dominion of Wales to an amicable concorde and unitie, Hath by the deliberate advise consent and agreament of the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the Commons in this present (X2) assembled and by the auctoritie of the same, ordeyned enacted and establisshed that his said Countrey or Dominion of Wales shalbe stonde and contynue for ever incorporated united and annexed to and with this his Realme of Englande; And that all and singuler personne and personnes borne and to be borne in the said Principalitie Countrey or Dominion of Wales, shall have enjoye and inherite all and singuler fredomes liberties rightes privileges and lawes within this Realme and other the Kynges Dominions as other the Kinges Subjectes naturally borne within the same, have enjoye and enherite: And that all and singular personne and personnes inheritable to any Manours Landes Tenements Rentes Revercions services or other Hereditaments, which shall discende within the set Principalitie, Countrey or Dominion of Wales, or within any particuler Lordshippe parte or parcell of the said Countrey or Dominion of Wales, shall forever inherite and be inheritable to the same Manours Landes Tenementes Rentes Revercions and Hereditamentes after the Englisshe tenure, without division or particion, and after the forme of the Lawes of this Realme of Englande, and not after any (X3) tenure ne after the fourme of any Welshe Lawes or Customes; And that the Lawes Ordynaunces and Statutes of this Realme of Englande for ever, and none other Lawes Ordenaunces ne Statutes, shalbe had used practised & executed in the said Countrey or Dominion of Wales and every parte therof, in like manner and forme and order as they ben and shalbe had used practised and executed in this Realme, and in such like manner and forme as hereafter by this acte shalbe further establisshed and ordeyned; any acte statute usage custome president libertie privilege or other thing, had made used graunted or suffred to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding.