XIII Lordships, Towns, &c. annexed to the County of Kayermarthen, and subjected to the English Laws.

And that the Lordshippes Townes Parisshes Commotes Hundreds and Cantredes of Lanemthevery Abermerlese Kedewely Eskennyn Corne Wolthon Newcastell Emlyn Abergoylly in the said Countrey of Wales, and every of them and all Honours Lordshippes Castels Manours Landes Tenementes and Hereditamentes lieng or beyng within the Compas or precincte of the said Lordshippes Townes Parisshes Commotes Hundredes and Cantredes or any of theym, in whose possession so ever they be or shalbe and every parte therof, shall stand and be Gildable for ever, and shalbe united X1anned and joyned to and with the Countie of Kayermerthen, as a membre parte or parcell of the same; And that Justice shalbe ministred and executed to the Kinges Subjectes and inhabitauntes of the said Countie of Kaermerden according to the Lawes Customes and Statutes of this Realme of Englande, and after no Welsshe Lawes, and in suche forme and fasshion as Justice is ministred and used to the Kinges Subjectes within the Three Sheres of Northwales.