X Guardian of the Spiritualties may act during Vacancy of See.E+W

[X1Provyd] also and be it enacted by auctoritie aforseid that yf it happen the See of the Archbishoppriche of Canurbury to be voyde, that then all suche [X2manner of licences] dispensacions faculties instruments rescriptes and other wrytynges which may be graunted by vertue and auctoritie of this acte shall during the vacacion of the same See be hadd done and graunted under the name and seale of the gardiane of the [X3spiritualities] of the seid Archebisshoprich for the tyme being accordyng to the tenour and fourme of this acte, and shalbe of lyke force value and effecte as yf they had byn graunted under the name and seale of the Archebishoppe for the tyme being.

Editorial Information

X1Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: Provyded O. & nu. 28 [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge and nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]

X2Variant reading of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: maner licence O. & nu. 28 [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge and nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]

X3Variant readings of the text noted in The Statutes of the Realm as follows: Spiritualtees O.— Spiritualties nu. 28 [O. refers to a collection in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge and nu. 28 refers to the numbering of the membranes composing the Parliament Roll]