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IX Penalty on corrupt Ordination, &c. of Ministers; On the Receiver, £40; and on the Minister, £10, and 7 Years Incapacity to hold any Benefice.E+W

X1Provided further and, That yf any person or persons whatsoever shall or doe, receyve or take anye Money Fee Rewarde or anye other Profytt, directlye or indirectlye, or shall take anye Promyse Agreament Coveniante Bonde or other Assuraunce, to receive or have any Money Fee Rewarde or any other Profytt, directly or indirectly, either to him or themselves or to anye other of their or any of their freindes, all ordinary and laufull fees onlye excepted, for or to procure the ordeyninge or makinge of any Minister or Ministers, or gyvinge of any Orders or Licence or Licences to preache, That then everye person and persons so offendinge shall for everye suche Offence forfeyt and loose the somme of Fortie Poundes of laufull Money of England, and the partie soe corruptlie ordeyned or made Minister or taking Orders, shall forfeyt and loose the somme of Tenne Poundes: And if, at anye tyme within seaven yeres next after such corrupte entringe into the Minystery or receyvinge of Orders, he shall accepte or take any Benefice Livinge or Promocion Eccliasticall, That then imediatlye from and after the Induction Investing or Installacion thereof or there into had, the same Benefice Lyvinge and Promocion Eccliasticall shalbe eftsones merelye voyde; . . . F1; Thone moytie of all whiche forfeytures shalbe to our Soveraigne Ladye the Quene her heires and successors, and the other moytie to him or them that will sue for the same by Accion of Debte Bill Playnte or Informacion, in any of her Majesties Courts of Recorde, . . . F2

Editorial Information

X1This Proviso is annexed to the Original Act in separate Schedule.

Textual Amendments