V 13 Eliz. c. 10. § 2. as to Leases by Colleges, &c. shall not extend to Houses in Cities or Towns Corporate.

And where in one X1other Acte made in the said thirteenth yeere, entituled An Acte against fraudulent Gyftes to the intent to defeate Dilapidations of Ecclesiasticall Livinges, and for Leasses to bee graunted by Collegiate Churches, there ys one Braunch to avoid certeyne Leasses to bee made by Maisters and Fellowes of Colledges, Deanes and Chapiters of Cathedrall or Collegiate Churches, . . . F2, or by any Parson Vicar or any other having any Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall Living; Bee yt enacted, That the said Braunche nor any thing therein conteyned, shall not extend to any Graunt Assuraunce or Leasse of any Houses belonging to any the Persons or Bodyes Politique or Corporate aforesaid, nor to any Groundes to such Houses apperteyning, which Houses be scituate in any Cytye Boroughe Towne Corporate or Market Towne, or the Suburbes of any of them; but that all such Houses and Groundes may bee granted dimised and assured, as by the Lawes of this Realme and the severall Statutes of the said Colledges Cathedrall Churches . . . F2 they lawfully might have been before the making of the said Statute, or lawfully might bee yf the said Statute were not; so alway that such House be not the Capitall or Dwelling House used for the Habitationof the persons abovesaid, nor have Ground to the same belonging above the quantitie of Tenne Acres; Any Thing in the said Acte to the contrary notwithstanding.