Oxford and Cambridge Act 1571

V Patents and Liberties granted the Universities, by any former Description, declared valid, and ratified.E+W

And aswell the said lettres Patentes of the Queenes Highnes said father Kinge Henry Theight bearing date as is before expressed, made and graunted to the said Corporate Bodye of the said Universitie of Oxon, as the Letters Patentes of the Queenes Majestie aforesaid, graunted to the Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of the Universitie of Cambridg bearing date as aforesaid, and all other letters Patents by any of the Progenitors or Predecessors of her Highnes, and all manner of Liberties Fraunchises Immunyties Quietances and Previlidges Letes Lawedayes and other Things whatsoever therein expressed, geven or graunted to the said Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities or to anye of their Predecessors of either of the said Universities, by whatsoever Name the said Chauncellor Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities in any of the said Letters Patentes be named, in and by vertue of this present Acte shalbe from henceforth ratyfied stablished and confirmed unto the said Chauncello Maisters and Schollers of either of the said Universities and to their Successors for ever; Any Statute Lawe Usage Custom Construccion or other Thing to the contrary in any wyse notwithstanding.