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II and that Commissions have of late issued on which Proceedings have been had contrary to Law.E+W

Yet neverthelesse of late divers Comissions directed to sundry Comissioners in severall Counties with Instruccions have issued, by meanes whereof your people have been in divers places assembled and required to lend certaine somes of mony unto your Majestie, and many of them uppon their refusall soe to doe have had an Oath administred unto them not warrantable by the Lawes or Statutes of this Realme and have been constrayned to become bound to make apparance and give attendance before your Privie Councell and in other places; and others of them have been therefore imprisoned confined and sondry other waies molested and disquieted And divers other charges have been laid and levied upon your people in severall Counties by Lord Lieutenants Deputie Lieutenants Comissioners for Musters Justices of Peace and others by Comaund or Direccion from your Majestie or your Privie Councell against the Lawes and free Customes of the Realme.